Yesterday I came home to find my new Sigma 28 -105 f2.8 lens had come in the mail. I immediately wanted to test it out and play around with it's very shallow depth of field. I took this shot of a spider's thread hanging between two branches of a plant. There is a slight blur as it was swaying in the wind, considering how thin it really was I think the lens was able to focus on it pretty well.
I caught a shot of this moth landing on a flower in my front yard as I was drinking coffee on my porch this morning. If you look closely you can see his feeding 'straw'.
My first daily photo was taken while I was on an assignment shooting photos for a feature in September's issue of The Fayetteville Feed about Zipquest (a Zip Lining Course) in Fayetteville, NC. As I am not permitted to share any photos from the Feed article until it goes to print next month I am instead sharing a picture of myself on the course taken with my camera by one of the ziplining instructers/guides. This will give an idea of the experience as well as give a preview of some of the images taken while riding the ziplines that I will be posting next month when the issue goes to print.